Welcome to the Australia AVOID Frailty: Program for Healthy Ageing
About the Program
The program for healthy ageing developed by the Canadian Frailty Network and implemented in 4 Canadian cities have been adapted for use outside of Canada for the first time and is being trialled with community dwelling older residents of Charles Sturt Council in South Australia.
The program aims to
Develop and maintain healthy behaviours that contribute to aging at home.
Enhance your quality of life.
Connect you to people and programs in your community.
Slow down the onset of frailty.
What is Frailty?
Project lead Professor Renuka Visvanathan describes frailty and what can be done to AVOID frailty.
Every Step You Take Matters
AVOID Frailty
X points
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After Completing a Healthy Aging Assessment, Members will Receive:
If you are experiencing an issue on the current page, you can report it here. Explain what the issue is and a report will be sent to dwt@ualberta.ca, avoidfrailty@adelaide.edu.au. The following information will automatically be sent:Si vous rencontrez un problème sur la page actuelle, vous pouvez le signaler ici. Expliquez la nature du problème; un rapport sera envoyé à dwt@ualberta.ca, avoidfrailty@adelaide.edu.au. Les renseignements suivants seront automatiquement transmis:
Do you have questions, comments or need some help?
Send us an email.
Vous avez des questions, des commentaires ou besoin d’aide?
Envoyez-nous un courriel.
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